Drop Off And Pick Up Guidelines

Thank you for your cooperation in assisting us to ensure a seamless flow of traffic in the morning when dropping off your child(ren). Below is a guide for all parents and guardians on how to safely and efficiently drop off and pick up children at the end of the day.

If you are using the drop off area, please remember to:
Pull up as far east along the curb parallel to the Kindergarten pen
Please avoid getting out of your vehicle, as this disrupts the flow of traffic and delays others from accessing your space
Students need to exit from the car on the passenger side with their backpacks. For everyone’s safety, no one should retrieve items from the trunk when the car is stopped.
Kindly follow the direction of the traffic and refrain from driving through the staff access area
Please do not park your car along the curb

We ask for your consideration of the following when picking up your child(ren) after school. For the safety of our students, please be reminded of the following:
Entry into the Drop & Go loop for BCB students starts at 2:25pm. Please refrain from entering earlier as students are outside for recess before this time.
Please do not remove the green safety “turtle pylons” as they will be removed by a staff member at 2:25pm
Please do not enter the staff parking area from the exit area (west side). The flow of cars should ALL be in the same direction
Please watch out for students as they cross the Drop & Go area, especially as they leave from the school yard

For parents who need to walk their child/ren to the entry point of the school, please park your car on a side street to our school location.

Thank you for your continued support with ensuring the safety of all students.

Wishing you a wonderful long weekend and a great start to the new school year on Tuesday September 5 2023.